Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Intro to this blog, and biography of David Hockney...

Hi! This is my blog in regards to David Hockney's body of work. I will look at many different works of art that he has done, and give my thoughts on them. I hope you like what I have to say.
David Hockney was born in Great Britain, and at a very young age, he was interested in art. Upon being accepted into the Bradford Grammar School, he enjoyed his art classes so much, that he asked to be transferred to the Regional College of Art in Bradford. It was here that David began to open up and explore what life had to offer, both in art and in his own sexuality. He came out of the closet at Regional, and it began to show in his art, where he would write words like "queer" and "unorthodox lover" on his paintings. Most unusual by British standards, but absolutely comfortable to David. He was an artist, after all!
David made his way to the USA, where his "mecca" was California. Much like myself, he loved Santa Monica Pier (my favorite place on earth!!!). Through a sequence of events, and a couple of teaching gigs in different parts of America and the UK, David met Peter Schlesinger, who became the subject of many photographs. Eventually, though, as most things do, the relationship grew stale, and their eyes began to wander to other pastures, so to speak.
Eventually, David began to make photo-collages. This was achieved by taking many pictures, and putting them together to a theme. In the 90's, he was able to utilize laser printers, which took his art to another level.
These days, David's landscape work will be on display at the Royal Academy of Arts as part of the countdown to the London 2012 Olympics.
I found his contact information, and requested an interview, if possible. I'll keep everyone informed of the outcome of said request.

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